Student intern
RIKEN AICS started a summer internship program in 2014. Our group accepted three internship students, Mr. Kitano from Hokkaido University (standing, middle), Mr. Kikuchi from Tohoku University (left), and Mr. Taniguchi from Hyogo Prefecture University (right). They joined us on August 29, 2014, and started working on short-term precipitation forecasts purely based on super-rapid 30-second observation data. Dr. Shigenori Otsuka, a researcher (sitting on the right), supervises their research activities. They all have different backgrounds, and I am very happy to see them discuss and help each other to tackle the tough problem. They have been making wonderful progress so far, with a lot of excitement and curiosity. I feel lucky to have this great opportunity to interact with those bright and enthusiastic young scientists.
miyoshi's lab