
Japan Geoscience Union Nishida Prize

It's been a while since the last post. A number of news happened, such as new team members, new research results and publications, and the big "International Symposium on Data Assimilation" in February, but I could not write posts here, which I would like to catch up sometime. Finally, I got motivated enough to share the news: the Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) Nishida Prize.

On May 27, 2015, the first JpGU Nishida Prize was presented to 10 awardees at the Annual Meeting in Makuhari, Japan. The Prize recognizes mid-career scientists (up to 45 years old) with internationally-recognized outstanding research achievements. The photo, courtesy of Professor M. Satoh, includes three awardees in the field of atmospheric science, Professors Takemura (right) and Watanabe (second from right), and myself (left). Professor Nishida (second from right) was very kind to be in the photo. After the hard work on data assimilation, I would be very grateful for such a renowned recognition as one of the 10 first awardees of the broad geoscience fields.